About Us - A short history about P&L Staffing Services

P&L has grown to become a leading service and outsourcing firm by working in partnership with its customers and clients to manage changes and challenges smoothly and positively. We think innovatively to help corporate and government clients improve services across many areas, from consulting and placement work for Fortune 100 companies to Trade Association work for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Debt Collection work for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

We combine a breadth of expertise across different markets with a profound knowledge about each one. Our work ranges from the management of programs and entire services to the outsourcing of operations and even the creation of entirely new businesses.

By managing change; introducing new technologies; providing financial, consulting and management support facilities for projects; implementing state-of-the-art, secure IT systems; and creating entirely new businesses– we are able to deliver a very broad range of essential services for governments, companies and people.

P&L Staffing Services has earned a reputation for providing the best professional talent with the specific skills and expertise that each customer needs. Our industry-specific focus, together with our firm dedication to client satisfaction, has made P&L one of the most reliable staffing companies in the world.


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